Custom request
If you don’t find what you need in our case range or to work with specific case brand, you’ve come to the right place.

On this page, you will be able to detail your needs and we will get back to you with custom solution.

How to do it?

Choose which case you want. You can choose between Nanuk, Eisele, Peli, HPRC and custom-made case.

Then, choose the finishing of your case (EVA or ATL – Acrylic Top Layer) and the color.

Tell us the engraving details you want to put in your case (brand logo –  technical details –  Feet/Metric  – customer logo engraving), and the most important, the equiment list to store in case (as complete as possible).

Don’t forget to let your contact info for us to be able to make a quote.


Custom request

Equipment brand logo *

Technical details *

Feet/Metric *

Customer logo engraving *

5 + 3 =

I am not a robot

Select your currency
EUR Euro